The Dangers of Standing Water Inside Your Building

Standing water inside your building can cause serious problems.

A building can suffer water damage at any time, but standing water exacerbates the situation. It may seem like a passive threat, but there are many dangers for your health and property.

Learn more about the dangers of standing water in your building and arm yourself with knowledge. Get in touch with Westrock Restoration today if the damage has already occurred, so we can remove the standing water and mitigate the risks.

How Dangerous Is Standing Water?

The dangers of standing water to your health and property are numerous. Here are some of the hazards to look for if your building has fallen victim to water damage:

Bacteria & Viruses

While water damage can come from different reasons, the most common sources of standing water are backed-up sewage and flooding.

Flood water contains contaminants due to sewage and pollutants that get mixed into the water during a flood. Dangerous bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella can live and breed in this type of water. These life-threatening bacteria can cause serious problems if left untreated, so if anyone in the impacted building suspects symptoms they'll want to seek immediate medical attention.

Stagnant water also acts as a virus-breeding playground, from rotaviruses to the Norwalk virus. Whether the issue results from a weather event, pipes breaking, sewer lines backing up, or property leaks, it’s unsanitary when it sits stagnant on your property for too long.

It’s also possible to contract the West Nile and Zika viruses if the water has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The risk is especially high in warmer climates or during summer when mosquitoes thrive. Zika virus may have devastating consequences during pregnancy and childbirth—made worse by its capacity as a silent disease with no symptoms.



Standing water creates the perfect conditions for mold to thrive. The most likely areas of any building for mold growth are the basement, under sinks, and other areas that are dark and damp

While mold may not appear as problematic as life-threatening bacteria and viruses, its health implications can be long-reaching after only 24 hours. The worst contender? Black mold.

Black mold and other toxic molds increase dramatically after water damage, potentially causing:

  • Coughing

  • Eye and skin irritation

  • Post-nasal drip

  • Dry skin

  • Nasal congestion

Significantly, these toxic molds may worsen allergy symptoms and overall health conditions. Although removing mold from a building is possible, the remediation process may be lengthy and expensive.

The best proactive action you can take is mold prevention. By removing stagnant water, you’ll have a better chance of a healthy building and a healthy business.

In situations where mold has already started to grow, you need to call in mold remediation experts immediately. Usually, bleach or everyday cleaning solutions aren’t enough to remove black mold and target invisible spores.


Structural Damage

Beyond the more obvious health concerns, stagnant water may cause further building damage, including:

  • Rotting drywall, wood, or other interior or exterior materials

  • Weakening the building’s foundation

  • Swelling wood

The risks are higher if the issue results from a leak that happens out of sight. Potential culprits are a leaking pipe behind the bathroom wall or an overflowing tub that pools up in the flooring underneath.

Costly and inconvenient renovations can be avoided by calling ADU to remove standing water at no cost to your peace of mind.



Did you know that rodents can live their happiest lives in a building's tiniest nooks and crannies? It's not hard to guess what lured them to their new well-hydrated building in the first place: standing water. Standing water can cause rodents to thrive in basements, parking garages, and walls, even though it may not be evident at first.

Diseases like rabies can be transmitted by vermin and rodents. According to the CDC, there are 11 diseases that can be transmitted directly from rodents to humans. Direct contamination through the air, mouth, or eyes is unpleasant, but indirect contamination is also dangerous.

Indirect contamination from rodents occurs due to pests that rodents often carry, such as mites, fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. The likelihood of contracting 1 of the 18 outlined diseases also increases.


Does your building have standing water? WestRock Restoration Can Help!

Unfortunately, none of this is good news, but thankfully WestRock Restoration has the tools necessary to remove stagnant water as soon as possible. Contact an expert today to learn more about how water damage repair, mold removal, and more can benefit you and your building.


WestRock Restoration are the Premier Los Angeles Property Restoration Service Experts